
Hawaiian Love

We had a great trip to Hawaii! I love that place and even in the madness of Waikiki my love was strong. I think I was Polynesian in a past life. For real. Anyway, we didn’t do a ton which was wonderful. Naps, time on the beach, time at the pool was the norm. We rented a car and drove to the North Shore which was fun. We had a picnic lunch with my cousin Orion on the land where he was building a house (he has a much better office (and tan!) then I do.) We stopped at the surf museum, saw whales and had the best shaved ice known to mankind. We also got to go to the Kokua Festival which is an outdoor concert to promote living green and giving back to the kids of Hawaii. It was Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews, which was amazing. They even did a duet of Jimmy Buffet’s “A Pirate Looks at Fourty”....I will spare you the set list. Needless to say, we both wish we were still on that beach trying to decide if we should cool off in the pool or the ocean….Sigh.

Pics from the trip are posted to the right…

1 comment:

Ipo said...

awesome - we almost went to Kokua this year, keep trying to get there and just hasn't worked yet - meet you there next year?!

looks like a great vacation... i think a move is in your near future :-)) we could get a nice duplex again and our girls could grow up together like we did for years...
